Cancer Patient FAQ
Why is a cancer masterclass needed? Won’t my oncologist tell me what I need to know?
The average time it takes to make a discovery and bring that discovery to healthcare is 17 years. That means that your oncologist probably doesn’t have access to the most recent proven cancer science. Additionally, your oncologist has no time to provide comprehensive information for you and answer all of your questions.
It is a fact that patients will need to make important decisions during their cancer care.
Doctors cannot make every decision.
However, an uninformed patient is making decisions blindly. The right actions will only come from the right understanding.
Uncharted provides the information and education you need to become an informed, active partner with your oncologist.
In fact, you may be reading this because your oncologist sent you here to ensure that you have access to proven scientifically valid and curated information and engage you as an active, informed partner in your care.
Is this alternative medicine? Does this replace my current cancer treatments or care?
NO! Uncharted does not replace your oncologist or your current care plan. This information is in addition to your treatment plan, not a replacement to existing care. You should consult your oncologist and follow their advice.
Is this course for family members and friends of cancer patients too?
Yes. The best support you can offer to your loved ones is to become educated about the disease, the issues and then step up and take the right actions that will actually make a difference. This masterclass will enable you to do that.
Is this medical advice?
No. We are not your oncologist or doctor and we do not offer specific medical advice.
You should not make any medical decisions without consulting your doctor. The material in the course is only to be considered as a supplement to standard care from your doctors. This is not meant to be another option, only to enhance what the doctors and science show already works.
Why is Uncharted free?
Uncharted is provided free to everyone, everywhere, without cost.
Uncharted is free for everyone because our purpose is to advance cancer care for everyone and we think that every patient and provider should have access to this information. We find it unconscionable to charge patients and families for access to information that could help them.
Why does Uncharted ask for donations?
Our mission is to educate, empower, and help every cancer patient and to transform the future of cancer care and outcomes for everyone; oncologists, patients, and families. To do that we need money in order to support the costs of providing Uncharted for free without selling patient data (which we do NOT do), so we seek donations to be able to reach more patients and oncologists, provide better tools and training, and keep the lights on.
We think that we can generate enough revenue to meet our goals by simply asking for those who can afford it to help us provide Uncharted for those who can’t.
Is Uncharted a 501c-3 nonprofit organization?
No. Uncharted is a free, patient empowerment initiative of Storyline Health. Uncharted is (currently) not a non-profit and donations are not tax deductible. If you would like to help with this, please contact us.
Why haven’t I heard about Uncharted before?
We haven’t been around long. This is new. : )
Will Uncharted sell my information to someone else without my consent?
No. You always own your information. Always. Your data or information will never be sold or shared with anyone without your express consent.
I’m an oncologist. Should I refer my cancer patients to Uncharted?
Yes. Learn about Uncharted’s benefits for oncologists >
Where did Uncharted originate?
Cancer patients are overwhelmed, suffering needlessly, and dying sooner because they’re powerless to engage in their own care in ways that will improve their outcomes. What matters? The science is hard to access and make sense of. There is too much information everywhere and most of it can't help patients with the problems in front of them.
When I (Dr. Christopher Gregg) was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer, I looked at the massive scientific literature in the cancer field, reading thousands of papers, and asked my brilliant colleagues, "what can make difference for me right now?".
The Uncharted Cancer Patient Masterclass is the result of that journey.
Still have a question?
Ask your question below and we’ll respond as soon as we can. We may even add it to our FAQ. (*Enter your email if you would like a response.)