Stage IV metastatic cancer patient?
Join us through the Resilience Project for Metastatic Cancer and help cancer patients everywhere.
We’re collecting data and best practices from stage IV cancer patients throughout the world to improve quality of life and treatment outcomes for every cancer patient.
Dr. Christopher Gregg PhD is a tenured and award winning faculty member at the University of Utah who runs an NIH-funded research lab. He is the co-founder and Chief Science Officer of Storyline Health. His research is frequently highlighted in national and international news.
Patients helping patients.
We need metastatic cancer patients everywhere to participate in this project. Share your journey to get free access to this extraordinary new cancer patient resource. Complete our simple 30-minute interview on your phone, tablet, or video-enabled computer and we will give you:
Access to The Uncharted Cancer Resilience Knowledge Database when available and safe.
A Storyline A.I. computer report of your health
Access to the Uncharted Metabolic Switching Program recipe book and guide.
A deeply sincere “thank you”.
“There is a ton of useful information out there that isn’t widely known or used. We need to find it, organize, and use it as fast as we possibly can.” - Dr. Christopher Gregg PhD.
Every Stage IV cancer patient should participate in this transformative project.
Experienced cancer patients gain an incredible understanding of how to manage their disease and the options that are out there. New patients face the overwhelming challenge of figuring out what actions to take because there is a lot of bad information out there. Dr. Christopher Gregg (Uncharted director) was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer in 2018 and was amazed at how much critical information he learned from talking to other patients. This motivated him to launch the Uncharted Cancer Project to capture this amazing information and build a transformative resource to help different patients and cancers.
We help patients to share what they have learned to help others. We organize all the best information and share it in a safe and easy to understand way!
We safely and securely collect patient information using the HIPAA and GDPR compliant Storyline Health platform and organize it to make learning easy for everyone. Patients own and control their data on the Storyline platform. Scientifically supported and de-identified information is carefully organized to help patients and their caregivers see what resilience patients are doing, what is proven and what is just an urban legend or a scam.
Take Uncharted Cancer Resilience Project information to your doctor for discussion. Only your doctor will be able to guide you safely. We are reaching cancer patients throughout the world to find, organize, and share the things that can help improve patient quality of life and outcomes!!
By completing a simple, HIPAA-protected interview about your health and cancer experiences, you will unlock an extraordinary resource to help yourself and thousands of other patients too.
How are you feeling? What things you have tried to control your cancer? What has worked best for you and your cancer? By gathering this information, we hope to find potential therapies that can be used in addition to current therapies to improve treatment success.
Join the study, so that we can help you navigate cancer better!
Take a picture of this QR code with your smartphone to get the Storyline App and participate in The Uncharted Cancer Resilience Project .
Note: We use an email to verify your identity. Please check your spam email folder if you don’t see it in your inbox.